Aloe Heat Creme
This massage cream is rich with enzyme-active aloe, wintergreen and cinnamon oils to provide temporary warming and relaxing effects where it is applied.
A favorite among massage therapists, Aloe Heat Creme is a non-staining formula complimented by a pleasant cinnamon smell. You will find this creme being used at athletic events, team practices, fitness gyms, physical therapy offices and chiropractic clinics.
Beauty spas use this cream after body masking treatments to thighs, buttocks and legs. It is a favorite product for at-home followup for cellulite treatments.
Foot and hand technicians apply the Aloe Heat Creme prior to paraffin dip treatments. Clients like the warm relaxing feeling that it leaves on their hands and fingers.
It feels best when applied sparingly and often.
Available in 5 oz and 16 oz jars.
Aloe Foot & Callus Rub
60% Aloe Vera with Vitamins A and E, plus menthol gives a cool and tingly feel to moisturizing feet. For softening calluses and corns rub this soothing cream into the feet; with the foot rub you will feel the entire body relax. Rub into feet at bedtime for all night moisturizing.
Rub this cream into the feet at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day.
Spas use this cream after pedicures and after foot masking treatments. The client is left with cool tingly feet that look moisturized and fresh.
Available in 5 oz and 16 oz jars.