Products that moisturize the skin to look like it has more elasticity, to look like it is firmer and better toned, and that will add a smoothing effect, are the most popular skin care products being purchased by clients today.
Enzyme-active aloe vera is the “active” ingredient in all Set-N-Me-Free Aloe Vera Products.
“Active” ingredients work to exfoliate dry surface skin and deep clean unsightly, darkened oils form pores for unbelievably smooth skin tone. These ingredients absorb into the lower skin layers to hydrate and hold moisture for longer periods of time.
Moisturizing and the look of skin elasticity will answer the need of “anti-aging” for concerned clients.
The Set-N-Me-Free Facial Kits include all enzyme active products:
– Cleanser
– Toner
– Masking
– Emollients
– Moisturizer
Add the Body Wrap Solution Gel for extra skin firming and toning.
Consumers are looking for longer lasting products.
Longer lasting results on the skin, longer lasting concentrated products in the bottle and longer lasting shelf life.
Aloe Misting & Masking Liquid
This pure botanical mist is used for all over hydration.
– Spray the cooling mist of aloe when entering a car and add a mist of hydration after a shower for a “lotion in a mist” freshness.
– Mist to set powder makeup and leave an aloe finish that feels perfect.
– Tanning bed users love using Aloe Mist after the tanning session to wipe away tanning bed odor with a towel. (It’s like a shower in a bottle.)
For Masking: Combine Aloe Misting & Masking Liquid with Powder for a revitalizing mask for face, hands, feet and body.
Masking the hands with the same Mask Powder-Mask Liquid mixture used for facials gives dramatic moisturizing for areas needing hydration.
Apply the mask up the arm to include rough elbows for long lasting supple feel. The mask exfoliates dry surface skin and allows the enzymes, humectants, and botanical ingredients to be absorbed into the skin.
Feel the difference of hydrated skin even before a moisturizer is applied.
Spas will apply the mask to feet during pedicure treatments.
After removing the mask from the feet, be sure to apply Aloe Stic with Tea Tree and Foot & Callus Rub for a long-lasting aloe foot feel.
Use this combination of Masking Powder and Aloe Misting & Masking Liquid alone for a simple protein rich mask.
You can also add freshly pureed fruit and vegetables, essential oils, or natural herbs to customize your mask.
Masking Powder
This mask can be used on all skin types. Ingredients are food grade and comfortable to use even on sensitive skin.
Masking powder is to be mixed with Aloe Misting & Masking Liquid to a thin gravy consistency, then applied with a fan brush to the skin. Within 6-7 minutes the mask will dry.
Moisten masked area with Aloe Misting & Masking Liquid, massage it lightly to loosen the mask, then wipe clean with a towel.
There will be a great difference in the skin appearance and texture after removing the mask.
Active Ingredients: Egg Albumen, Corn Starch, Honey, herb, Witch Hazel, Borage, Stone Root, Elder Berry and Blueberry
Set-N-Me-Free has combined high quality egg albumen protein and natural botanicals that will exfoliate and deep clean pores. Enzyme active aloe vera and honey provide humectants that will leave skin looking fresh, moisturized and toned.
Natural Aloe Vera Liquid
This product is great for aiding in removing masking products without stripping away the nutrients from the mask.
Mature Aloe Vera (aloe barbadensis) leaves are harvested from organic fields in Southern California.
NON-GMO – No water added – Cruelty Free – Grown, Processed, and Bottles in USA
Leaves are filleted and the inner lead gel is pulverized and filtered to a liquid consistency. This product is cold-processed to preserve the full enzyme activity found in mature aloe vera leaves. The filleting and filtering process produces a final product that contains less than 4/10 of 1% parts per million of aloin (also known as anthroquinone or aloe latex).
This liquid is filtered to product a pure liquid aloe vera that is suitable for skin care and pet care. No thickeners, or colorants have been added. No chemical processes have been used to remove the natural smell or color of the product.
Available in quarts and gallons.
Ingredients: Aloe Barbadensis and to preserve freshness less than 1% total citric acid, benzoic acid, potassium sorbate, less than 4/10 of 1% parts per million of aloin.